Become a Student Trustee

Job title 

Student Trustee (up to 5 vacancies)


1 year, must be UCA student throughout


Voluntary, approx 25 hours per year inc. training


Remote but may need to travel for training and meetings (travel is covered)

Reports to 

Chair / Deputy Chair of the UCASU Trustee Board

How to apply?

Via an application form at the bottom of the page

Closing Date Friday 24th May, 2024, 5pm


Before applying please ensure you meet the following criteria:


  • Registered UCA student until June 2025. 

  • Available for a remote (Teams) interview after 5pm on Wednesday 12th June. 

  • Available for mandatory training on Wednesday 11th September 2024, in Epsom (expenses will be covered). 


Role Summary:

We are looking for up to five reliable, responsible and engaged Student Trustees to join UCA Students’ Union Trustee Board from June 2024 until June 2025, with the option to apply for a second term, pending student status. This is a voluntary role that can be taken alongside your studies; you must also be a registered UCA student until at least June 2025. 

This position would suit any current UCA student who is interested in the higher level running of the Union, wants to help make key decisions and also learn more about how a charity operates. 

You will develop skills such as team work, communication and making difficult decisions. 


What is the Trustee Board?

UCASU has charity status which means it is governed and led by a board of trustees. The Trustee Board is made up of the three sabbatical officers (Presidents), up to five student trustees and four external trustees who will usually come from a range of different backgrounds that provide specific support to the Board. We currently have three interim external trustees in place, all are from differing Students' Union backgrounds. 

The Trustee Board is in place to ensure that the Union is well run, meeting its aims and working within the law and constitution. 

The board provides the Union with direction on big issues such as approving the Union’s budget for the year, approves the strategic plan and continues to monitor progress against this plan. The board is the highest decision maker of the union and board members share a collective responsibility for all union activities, ensuring they identify and manage any risks to the organisation. The board has specific responsibilities to ensure proper and prudent administration of the organisation as well as making sure the organisation meets any legal requirements and manages its finances and resources effectively and appropriately.

Role duties and responsibilities:

Student Trustees sit on the Trustee Board, alongside the sabbatical officers and external members and have the same rights as those members. They are not involved in the day-to-day running of the Union but will take an overview in how the Union is performing, both financially and in its delivery to students. 

  • Attend up to 5 Trustee Board meetings across the academic year.

  • Attend any sub-committee meetings to which you are appointed.

  • Read through materials and papers in advance of Trustee Board meetings.

  • Keep in regular contact (mainly email) with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Trustee Board (Sabbatical Officer and an External Trustee) and other Trustees to be able to provide real-time feedback when queries and issues arise.

  • Participate in Trustee Board meeting debate and discussion, using your knowledge and experience to represent the views of the student body. At these meetings you will:

    • Contribute to the strategic leadership of the union.

    • Ensure the students' union is operating in the best interests of students.

    • Monitor the student union's progress against strategic aims and objectives.

    • Monitor the financial performance of the students' union to ensure it remains financially secure and accountable.

    • Monitor the performance of Full-time Officers and hold them to account.

  • Attend the Union's Annual General Meeting, where an annual report will be presented to the student body.

  • Promote the role of Student Trustee throughout the year and elections period.

Being a member of a charity board of trustees is an excellent opportunity to have oversight of the organisation and to take on some key responsibilities. As a Trustee, you must ensure the students' union is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit.

The objects of University for the Creative Arts Students' Union are the advancement of education of students at the University for the Creative Arts for the public benefit by:

  • promoting the interests and welfare of Students at the University for the Creative Arts during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students;

  • being the recognised representative channel between Students and University for the Creative Arts and any other external bodies;

  • providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students.

Trustees must ensure that the Union complies with its governing document (Articles of Association), and any regulations and laws that apply, such as Charity Law.

Trustees must always act in the best interests of the students' union, they need to ensure that:

  • They make balanced and adequately informed decisions

  • They avoid putting themselves in positions where there is a conflict of interest

  • They do not receive any benefit from the charity unless it is properly authorised and clearly in the interests of the charity

Trustees must act responsibly, reasonably and honestly to ensure that UCA Students' Union:

  • assets are only used to support the work of the charity

  • No inappropriate risks are taken that may negatively affect University for the Creative Arts Students' Union's assets or reputation

  • is not over committed in terms of resources

  • carefully considers any investment or borrowing

  • complies with any restrictions attached to its funds

Trustees should use their skills and experience and take appropriate advice where necessary. They should also ensure that they dedicate enough time, thought and energy to the role.

Trustees must ensure that University for the Creative Arts Students' Union is accountable:

  • Be able to demonstrate that the students' union is complying with the law, that it is well run and effective

  • Ensure that it is accountable to its members

  • Maintain responsibility for any authority delegated to staff, volunteers or sub committees

Person Specification:

The successful candidate will have an interest in getting involved in the higher education sector or student union movement. The following skills are crucial:

  • High level of integrity and a thorough understanding of confidentiality – at times you will have access to confidential information that cannot be shared beyond the board;

  • Ability to put your own views aside and a willingness to put the charity’s interests above any other interest;

  • Excellent verbal communication skills – you will need to be able to share your ideas/views when discussing issues in a small group;

  • Strong interpersonal skills; be friendly and willing to listen to views of others, take expert advice when appropriate;

  • Remain professional and able to work well with others;

  • Willing to deliberate and able to come to a shared understanding and agreement even at times when there are differing views at the outset;

  • Reliable and well organised with meeting skills.

This role may be of particular interest to students who hope to work in the charity sector as you will gain invaluable understanding of charity law and issues affecting charitable organisations. It may also be of interest to students who are interested in representation or considering standing in the Union Elections as a sabbatical officer. 

The duties described above are not an exhaustive list but are intended as being illustrative of the level and type of work required.


Application Form


Application closing date: Friday 24th June