Meet your full-time elected Presidents, Cassie, Rajon and Charlie. Find out about their campaigns and keep up-to-date here.
Your Union Presidents


Your Presidents work on campaigns and projects that make positive change for students, such as campaigning for mental health services or setting up an assembly for international students. Everything the Presidents do is for students, so has to be informed by what you, the students, actually want. This is why this page exists: so you know what your Presidents are up to, where they are, and you can keep track of how well they’re fulfilling their manifesto promises!

If there is anything you would like to know more about, please get in touch with the relevant President (their emails are all on their pages). As you can see, they travel around a lot so might not always be on your campus right away! You can also come along to the next Student Forum to talk about your academic and personal experiences with fellow students and Presidents.



The basic job description for Presidents:

The Presidents will:
• Be the figureheads of our campuses
• Develop campaigns in students’ interests
• Sit on relevant committees, including the Board of Governors, Board of Trustees etc
• Liaise with the University on the development of the student experience, complaints, equal opportunities and disciplinary procedures


If the President roles get you excited, why not think about running for election yourself? It is a full-time paid role for a year, and any UCA student can be elected. Our elections information comes out in January so keep an eye out, pop into your campus’ Union office or give us a shout at