Every year, students at UCA collectively decide who is going to lead their Union and improve the lives of students where it matters most. Click here for more information, nominations and results!
Election Rules & Guidance

Election Rules & Guidance

Election Rules: President and Campus Officer

Each candidate is responsible for the actions of themselves and every member of their campaign team. A candidate may be penalised for actions by their team that they are unaware of – it is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure all their team know the election rules.


  1. Candidates should not break the law or any UCASU and University policies such as the UCA Bullying and Harassment Policy and Student Code of Conduct (See appendices below).
  2. All candidates and teams must let students cast their votes without pressure. If a student needs help they should ask a member of Union staff. Candidates cannot cast votes on behalf of others.
  3. All votes will be cast online at ucasu.com/elections.
  4. Candidates must not interfere with any ‘polling station’[1].
  1. A candidate and their team must not provide a personal device (tablet, mobile, laptop etc.) for, no vote on behalf of, any voter.
  1. Candidates and their team shall not interfere with / remove / change other candidates’ promotional material.
  2. Candidates cannot bribe, impersonate, or harass any student during campaigning.
  3. All candidates for President will receive 150 pages of A4 printing free from the Union.
  4. All candidates for Campus officer shall receive 75 pages of A4 printing free from the Students’ Union.
  5. Candidates for President must not spend more than £30.00 in total on their campaign but can use materials they already have (provided it is reasonable for other candidates to have access to similar/equivalent materials). Candidates are required to provide receipts for any campaign expenditure to the Union if requested and overspending could result in a penalty.
  1. Candidates for Campus Officer must not spend more than £15.00 in total on their campaign but can use materials they already have (provided it is reasonable for other candidates to have access to similar/equivalent materials). Candidates are required to provide receipts for any campaign expenditure to the Union if requested and overspending could result in a penalty.
  1. Candidates cannot attack other candidates’ campaigns in a derogatory or inflammatory manner, this includes comments made online. They may point out weaknesses in their opponent’s campaign. (The difference between “You’re rubbish” and “I don’t think this idea of yours will work, I offer a better alternative of…”)
  2. UCASU and its staff cannot endorse any candidate and serve to ensure the election is run freely and fairly.

Incumbent Officers

  1. Candidates who already hold a position within UCASU may not use Union time or resources to enhance their own campaigning or that of another candidate.

Election Process

  1. The election will be conducted in accordance with the By-laws which the Returning Officer shall be the final interpreter of.
  2. Manifestos must comply with any format requirements stipulated by the Returning Officer – 1 A4 page.
  3. Candidates cannot campaign with other candidates as a formal team or pool their resources. Candidates can recommend other candidates to voters but cannot form or operate formally as a candidate team or slate.
  4. Any candidate may withdraw from the election at any point. They must inform the Deputy Returning Officer by emailing elections.su@uca.ac.uk
  5. UCASU use the Single Transferable Vote during elections - https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/voting-systems/types-of-voting-system/single-transferable-vote/
  6. The election count will be generated via the UCASU website and powered by MSL.


  1. Any challenge or complaint concerning the administration and good conduct of the election shall be heard and determined by the Returning within two (2) University days of such a complaint being lodged by any full member, candidate, or candidate nominee
  2. Any complaint against the conduct or administration of the election must be received by the Returning Officer before the end of polling.
  3. No candidate may challenge the result of the election once the count has started.
  4. If candidates wish to make a complaint about another candidate’s campaign they must report this in writing to Deputy Returning Officer at: elections.su@uca.ac.uk
  5. Any candidate who has a complaint lodged against them will be notified at the earliest opportunity
  6. You will have 24 hours to appeal any complaint in writing to the Returning Officer.
  7. Any challenge or complaint during or following the count shall only relate to the conduct of the count and shall be lodged with the Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer who shall resolve the complaint within two (2) University days of it being lodged.
  8. The Returning Officer will decide on the penalty (if any) of any candidate complaint. This can range from a verbal warning to disqualification from the election.

The Returning Officer is responsible for the final interpretation of these rules and final decisions will lie with them. Deputy Returning Officer – Kara Nutley, Deputy Chief Exec - UCASU. Returning Officer - Peter Roberston, Charity Director - NUS

[1] Polling station – an electrical device such as a mobile phone or laptop used by a student to vote for candidates in the election.


Manifesto Guidance

What is a manifesto?

A ‘public declaration of policy and aims’, or simply put, a manifesto is what you plan to do if elected and the changes you want to influence.

How to write a manifesto

Your manifesto must be no more than one A4 page and must include your name, the position you are running for, and at least three pledges (your goals for the year). We recommend including an image of yourself, your course and campus, and any relevant experience.

Top tips for writing your manifesto
  1. Be concise; make it snappy using clear and accessible language
  2. Be eye catching; engage readers with alliteration and create a brand using a consistent colour pallet.
  3. Set out realistic and achievable goals; research what voters want and look at previous manifestos (including those from other Students’ Unions)
  4. Be creative! After all, you are running to represent art students

Once you have drafted your manifesto, feel free to run it past us if you would like some feedback by contacting elections.su@uca.ac.uk. Union staff must remain impartial but can ensure you have included everything you need to.