Regulation 5: Union Council
1. Union Council Membership
1.1 The Council shall be made up of three (3) elected student representatives from each campus known as Union Council Members, four (4) Identity Community Leaders, and all Sabbatical Officers.
1.1.1 Positions for Union Council shall be: One (1) Further Education position per campus. One (1) Higher Education position per campus. One (1) Identity Community leader position per Identity Community, Consiting of: BAME LGBTQ+ Students with Disabilities Woman
1.2 Roles and job descriptions shall be compiled by the Sabbatical Officers and agreed by majority vote of Uniion Council.
1.3 The Union Council memebership cycle shall run from the 15th day of june to the 14th day of June inclusive.
1.4 Union Councillors shall vacate their position at 11.59pm on the 14th day of june unless they are reappointed.
1.5 The Chair of Union Council will be elected by Union Council members in the first meeting of the cycle by majority vote.
1.5.1 The Union can choose to elect a 'rolling Chair' by majority vote.
A 'rolling Chair' refers to members taking turns acting as Chair of Union Council. The execution of this method shall be decided by members of Union Council in the meeting when the decision to use a rolling Chair is made.
2. Union Council
2.1 Shall act in relation to student life including student and academic experiences.
2.2 Ensure quorum is met (50% plus one of elected members).
2.3 Ensure policy is passed with a required agreement of 75% from members present at the time of vote.
2.3.1 All policy shall hold a renewal date of three (3) years which shall commence: When the policy is first agreed.
If the policy is reinstated.
2.3.2 All policies can be amended within their first year with at least 75% agreement.
2.3.3 After the first year, policies may be challenged or revoked with a required agreement of 75%.
2.4 Ensure the required value of at least 75% agreement is met to trigger a referendum.
3. Union Council responsibilities
3.1 To execute policies where policy has been passed and be responsible for ensuring it is carried out.
3.2 Promote and defend the rights of active members.
3.3 Campaign on issues affecting the student body and to enhance the personal development of members.
4. The Union Council authority
4.1 To represent the voice of the Students.
4.2 Set the policy of the Union and refer policy to Referendum in accordance with these by-laws and the Constitution.
4.3 Make, repeal, and amend the by-laws.
4.3.1 Should an agreement not be made, this will trigger a referendum debate in accordance with the Constitution.
4.4 Receive an annual report from the Board of Trustees.
4.5 Receive and accept or reject reports from the Sabbatical Officers.
4.5.1 The reports shall inform on work conducted on campus and as part of Union Committee Chair roles to include but is not limited to: Committee’s attended since last report, if not attended, reason(s) given. General update on activities / projects / work undertaken. Annual leave taken since last report.
4.5.2 If the report is rejected by an Union Council, a warning shall be issued via the Chair to the Sabbatical Officer and the Council will make recommendations for improvement. The Board of Trustees shall investigate if a waring is given against a Sabbatical Officer three times in an Officer’s term in office.
4.6 Create and maintain working groups and sub committees as deemed necessary, but shall include:.
4.6.1 Scutiny Panel Membership of the Scrutiny Panel Two (2) Student Trustees, of whom Union Council shall appoint as Chair and Deputy Chair of the Panel Four (4) Identity Community Leaders; One from each Identity Community defined in Regulation 5, point Up to four (4) Union Councillors to represent campuses not represented by members attending as Identity Community Leaders.
Four (4) Course Reps;one from each campus. Panel quoracy is as follows: One (1) Student Trustee, and; Six (6) other non-Trustee members Purpose of Scutiny Panel Overview and assess the work of Sabbatical Officers against their job descriptions and Role Profiles. Ensure that each Sabbatical Officer is performing adequately in their role and to provide support and suggestions fro improvement. Act as a critical friend to support Sabbatical Officer plans through recommending alternative or additional courses of action where felt necessary and appropriate. Receive details, where relevant, of Sabbaticcal Officer political ependiture Determine whether any further action is needed to improve Sabbatical Officer performance for the benefit of the student membership Meetings Meetings shall take place at least four times annually All meetings shall be scheduled in line with Union Council and Board of Trustee meetings to ensure appropriate reporting and a smooth cycle of business. Students can call an additional meeting through: On request by a majority of Scruting Panellist; A petition signed by 100 members Meetings of the scrutiny panel shall ordinarily be open for students to observe. In exceptional circumstances the scrutiny panel may exclude members from the meeting and sit in private. The scrutiny committee guidance document shall provide guidance on when a private sitting may be necessary. Scrutiny Panel power and actions Each Sabbatical Officer shall provide a written report detailing their work since the previous meeting and the progress they have made towards their set goals. The format of the report shall be outlined in the scrutiny panel guidance document. The Panel shall also receive information of the days of leave and Time of in Lieu (TOIL) taken by the Officer during the relevant period. The Panel shall review Sabbatical Officer reports alongside key information on student needs. The Scrutiny Panel has the power to determine one of the following outcomes for Sabbatical Officers: Approve: Sabbatical Officer activity which is on track. Motivate: Used in the instance of Sabbatical Officer underperformance or lack of progress towards goals. In this instance the Sabbatical Officer would be required to enhance reporting, and seek member approval from various areas of contention. Specific goals to improve performance should be set which are commiserate with issues raised. Investigate: Used in the instance of a Sabbatical Officer misconduct issue, or a persistent lack of progress towards goals. In this instance, the Panel may require further investigation The Panel may require the Sabbatical Officer to engage in public reporting or accountability measures, and/or report ways to resolve issues. Any additional reports or actions may be subject to student approval as deemed necessary by the Panel and which is commiserate with issues raised. Removal: Used in an instance of gross misconduct, persistent underperformance or harmful behaviour. A recommendation for a motion of no-confidence would be made to Union Council. If the motion is submitted to Union Council, it must follow the process as described in Regulation 5 of these By-Laws. The scrutiny panel guidance document may set out in further detail a framework for arriving at each outcome. After every meeting, the Chair shall report to Union Council and produce a written statement the outcomes for each Sabbatical Officer, along with comments explaining how the Panel came to its position and any recommendations for improvement or additional support for the Officer. At the first Scrutiny Panel of the year, Sabbatical Officers shall submit their individual and collective goals for the year ahead, in line with the accountability matrix set out within the scrutiny panel guidance document. This should include an indication of cost and timelines. In the case where the Scrutiny Panel believes that disciplinary action is required of a Sabbatical Officer, the Panel may propose a motion to Trustee Board.
4.6.2 Student Experience Assembly There shall be a Student Experience Assembly. The Student Experience Assembly shall provide places for members representing the following groups: BAME students Commuting students International students LGBTQ+ students Mature students Part-time students PGT/PGR students Students as parents and carers Students with disabilities Women students Representatives of each School of study within UCA
4.7 Appoint associate members as deemed necessary.
5. Composition and proceeding of the Union Council
5.1 To meet at least five (5) times in an academic year.
5.2 The Sabbatical Officers shall be responsible for the agenda and publicity of the meetings.
5.3 The Chair of the Union Council will be elected by those present at the first meeting after the by-elections.
5.3.1 If all Elected part-time officers waiver the Chair role, the Chair will default to one of the President.
5.4 In the event of any situation arising not being covered by meeting regulations then the Chair shall rule on the procedure to be adopted with such ruling being subject to the approval of the Council.
5.5 In the event of the Chair being in conflict or alleged to be in conflict with an item under discussion, the Chair should be resigned for the duration of the discussion to a Deputy Chair elected at that time by a majority of the part-time Officers present.
5.6 Any member may request that any item be discussed in full, provided that adequate notice is given in advance of the meeting.
6. Identity Groups
6.1 There will be autonomous community liberation groups who will self-govern. This must include spaces
6.1.1 BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic).
6.1.2 Disabled Students.
6.1.3 LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer plus).
6.1.4 Women Students.
6.2 The Part-Time Officers shall seek to offer the following communities:
6.2.1 International Students.
6.2.2 Post Graduate Students.
6.2.3 Further Education Students.
6.2.4 Mature Students.
6.2.5 Part Time Students.
6.2.6 Students with caring responsibilities