As part of this year’s elections, we are also holding a referendum asking you if you believe we should disaffiliate from the National Union of Students (NUS) and NUS Charity. Below are points for both sides, and we encourage you to also do your own research.

For the referendum decision to stand, at least 5% of students (325) must vote in the referendum, and in order to disaffiliate, the ‘YES’ vote must receive a two-thirds majority or 66% of the vote. In the event that 5% of students do not participate in the vote, the results will be voided and the referendum will be held again at a later date.



  • UCASU pays NUS a membership fee of £10,475 per year
  • We could spend the cost of the membership fee on projects that would have a more direct benefit on UCA students
  • As a small Students’ Union, we don’t get the same opportunities to influence NUS as bigger SUs, so our voice can get lost in the movement
  • NUS has had to make huge budget cuts in recent years, and the opportunities they offer us are far reduced than before


  • 95% of Students’ Unions in the UK are members of NUS – leaving would take us out of the national student community
  • UCA students can go to NUS conferences to represent UCA in discussions about the future of the student movement
  • NUS provides advice and support to UCASU
  • NUS discount cards (TOTUM) are available to UCA students and bring a small income to UCASU
  • Most Unions that have held referendums have ultimately decided to stay in NUS