Every year, students at UCA collectively decide who is going to lead their Union and improve the lives of students where it matters most. Click here for more information, nominations and results!
Autumn 2022 By-Election

rochester part-time officer by-election - October 2022

We recently ran a by-election and Rose Reber was successfully elected as the new Rochester PTO, joining Union Council. 


further education (fe) part-time officer co-opt - October 2022

We recently ran a FE PTO co-opt and Charlie Neudeck (Canterbury) and Elyse Anderson (Rochester) were voted in by Union Council to join the all student committee. 

Eleanor Gravstock (Farnham) has been co-opted onto Union Council (November 2022). 

We still have one FE place available in Epsom. If you are interested in joining Union Council, please email elections.su@uca.ac.uk.