Academic Appeals

The Appeals Process

Academic Appeals Process Graphic

What is an Appeal?

An academic appeal is a request to overturn or change a decision of a Board of Examiners (BoE) in respect of your assessment outcome. In order to submit an appeal, you will need to receive a decision by BoE (e.g. BoE confirming an individual mark for one of your units). BoE usually sits at the end of the academic year.

The appeals are investigated in accordance with the University’s Ac ademic Appeal Regulations (link below). All appeals must be made using the Academic Appeal Form (AAF 1). If you are thinking of submitting an appeal, please read the following documents:

  • Academic Appeal Regulations, see here
  • Guidance on Academic Apeals, see here

The Union can guide you through the process, so contact us at if you have any questions.

Grounds for Appeal

A student may appeal against an assessment outcome in relation to:

  • The mark or result of an individual assessment component and/or the mark or result of a whole unit.
  • The final award/degree classification.

Before making an appeal, consider whether your case falls under one or more of the following:

  • That there has been significant administrative or procedural error on the part of the University which has materially disadvantaged you as a student, such that had it not been for the error the decision of the Board would probably have been substantively different
  • That a student’s assessment performance was adversely affected (including as a result of non-submission) by circumstances outside the student’s control (mitigating circumstances) and which the student was unable, or for valid reason(s) unwilling, to divulge to the Board before the Board of Examiners reached its decision, such that the student was materially disadvantaged and had it not been for those circumstances the student’s performance would have been significantly better (or, in the case of non-submission, the student would have been able to make a full submission) and the decision of the Board would, as a consequence, have been substantively different

Below is a list of the Board of Examiners decisions that can be challenged by way of an academic appeal:

  • The mark or result of an individual assessment component.
  • The mark or result of a whole unit.
  • Your final award/degree classification.
  • A decision that you may not progress to the next stage of your course.
  • A decision that a failed unit cannot be compensated.
  • A decision that you are not allowed another assessment attempt.
  • A decision that you must do a retake rather than a resit.

PLEASE NOTE: Disagreement with academic judgment does not constitute grounds for appeal. Travel or financial difficulties cannot be used as grounds for an appeal.

Who can I contact?

Once you have the Academic Appeals Form (AAF1) and supporting documents ready, you should send it to UCA's Quality Manager (Appeals & Complaints) at

If you require any help in filling in the form, you are welcome to contact the Union on at

Academic Appeals Form (AAF1 Form)

The Academic Appeals form can be downloaded via MyUCA, or you can find it here.

When can I appeal?

You can make an appeal once the Board of Examiners has met and have finalised your grade. Please note you have a maximum of 10 working days to put in your appeal. It WILL NOT be considered after this.