Improving the quality and value of food at UCA policy


Valid from: 27 January 2021

Reviewal date: 27 January 2024

The Union notes:

  1. A survey was conducted across all areas of the University and Students’ Union.
  2. The survey, titled Big Ideas, stated that out of those asked 14.86% of students wanted improvements made within the catering department.
  3. The focus of the complaints concerning catering noted; pricing, quality, and choice of both vegetarian and vegan options.

The Union believes:

  1. That the current pricing is unacceptable and not suitable for students.
  2. That the meals should represent good value for money as students currently argue it does not.
  3. That healthier options should be available at a reasonable and student-friendly price.
  4. That as a diverse institution there should be more vegetarian and vegan options available.
  5. That as part of a healthy local community, the University should consider using local companies as their suppliers.
  6. That as a diverse institution options for people with different religious backgrounds should be catered for.
  7. That allergy information should be easily accessible for all food items sold.

The Union resolves:

  1. That the Executive Committee shall lobby the University to reconsider its pricing within the catering department.
  2. That the Executive Committee shall encourage the University to use locally sourced foods.
  3. That the Executive Committee shall lobby the University to remain an inclusive institution by providing more options, including vegan and vegetarian, on a daily basis.
  4. That the Executive Committee shall encourage healthy lifestyles by challenging the catering department on the promotion of healthy foods.
  5. That elected Executive Committee members shall work in partnership with catering departments to consistently liaise with students on the quality of their service.
  6. That the Executive Committee shall work closely with catering departments to make ensure religious beliefs and requirements are catered for.
  7. That the Executive Committee shall work with catering departments to ensure allergy information is clearly advertised and easily accessible to students on all