Agenda Item Number |
Agenda Item Title |
Action and Vote |
Welcome from the Chair
AN welcomed members to the meeting.
1 |
Apologies Received
AS stated that apologies had been received from Karabo Magooa and the meeting was quorate.
2 |
Declarations of Conflict of Interest
None declared
3 |
Minutes from the Previous Meeting – June 2020
Approved as provided.
Vote to approve;
In Favour: 6
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
3.1 |
Action List from Previous Meeting
Vote to approve;
In Favour: 6
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
4 |
Items for Discussion
4.1 |
Student Voice Report- early findings
introduced the paper. AF asked how the document would help with student conduct issues. AS answered that the new regulations would allow for some issues to be handled by the club rather than being referred to a disciplinary panel.
Vote to approve:
In Favour: 6
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
4.4 |
Farnham bar and venue transfer proposal
AS introduced the paper. AF stated that based on the financial case, the proposal cannot be approved as the bar is a loss-making business, but that there might be a strong positive impact on the student experience.
Members exchanged thoughts on a way forward, with an action being approved for AS to continue discussions with UCA.
As to continue conversations with UCA
5 |
Standing Items
5.1 |
Management Accounts
AS provided an overview of the commentary and invited questions.
approved as supplied
Vote to approve
In Favour: 6
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
5.2 |
Strategy Update
AS provided overview and invited questions
approved as supplied
Vote to approve
In Favour: 6
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
5.3 |
Staffing Update
AS reported that 100% of student staff stated they felt they were more employable as a result of working in the SU and would recommend it to a friend.
5.4 |
Sabbatical Officer Reports
5.4.1 |
President Kent
Taken as Read. Vote to accept report
Vote to approve
In Favour: 5
Against: 0
Abstain: 2
5.5 |
Cheif Executive Report
Taken as Read. Vote to accept report
Vote to approve
In Favour: 6
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
5.6 |
Union Policies Affecting the Board of Trustees
AS updated on changed to Unnion Council designed to improve student voice and accountability.Update for info only
6 |
Any Other Business
AScommunicated that UCA had declared its plans to close the Rochester campus and cease provision of Further Education courses. AF asked how that could affect UCASU and potentially the buisness case for the bar. AS replied that UCA was planning to use the space currently occupied by FE for higher UG recruitment so student numbers should remain static.
AN noted it was his final meeting and thanked everybody for their support, before closing the meeting.