July 2017 - June 2018

JULY 2017 – JUNE 2018

Here you can read through the minutes from trustee board meetings from 01 July 2017 to 31 June 2018

6 December 2017




DATE: Wednesday 6 December 2017 – 10:00-12:00



1. Tomm Morton (TM)


Sabbatical Trustee/Chair

  6. Jamie Stratton (JS)


Chief Executive/Clerk

2. Oliver Williams (OW)


External Trustee/Vice Chair

  7. Cassidy Moses (CM)


Student Trustee

3. Josh Smith (JSm)


External Trustee

4. Phill Dowler (PD)


Sabbatical Trustee

5. Riley Clowes (RC)


Sabbatical Trustee



1. Welcome from the Chair



TM welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year and introduced Aidan Grills (Chief Executive LUU) who is facilitating the board away day in the afternoon.


2. Apologies



Received from Matthew Went, Zunera Siraj, Sofia Teles Da Silva



3. Declarations of Conflict of Interest



No conflicts of interest relating to any item on the agenda

















Minutes of the Previous Meeting held 27 September 2017



The minutes were approved from the meeting held in September



Action List


External Trustee Appointment – OW is meeting a potential external trustee next week.

The issue raised relating to clubs and societies has been dealt with and will also be covered under a later agenda item.


TM still needs to issue Lisa Derand with a letter. JS to draft.
























Audited Accounts/Audit Report



JSm explained the importance of the accounts to the trustee board and explained the concept of materiality to the board.


Sandra De Lord from Kingston Smith came to the board to present initial findings. Sandra highlighted that as a small organisation, there isn’t a requirement for large numbers of control tests to take place. However the scope of the audit looked at a number of new processes that had been implemented by UCASU this year.


Sandra commented that there were a couple of outstanding issues but that these would be rectified with Counterculture following the meeting.


Sandra then presented the management report for the board.


Section 1 sets the scene, picking up the scope of the audit, risks and issues, going concern and revenue recognition.

Sandra commented on the ongoing reliance of the relationship with the university but noted the strong relationship that exists between the university and the union.


Section 2 looks at any significant adjustments or fraud. Sandra reported no fraud or any significant adjustments required.


Section 3 looks at recommendations which were highlighted in the documents.

JS will prepare a management response to the 5 recommendations that were highlighted.


Sandra commented that having Counterculture as part of the organisation is very helpful to provide a degree of external perspective regarding controls and ensuring that there is no significant concerns regarding the finances.


Section 4 looks at any external issues and Sandra highlighted GDPR as a main issue for the sector.

JS will discuss this item at the next board meeting relating to what is in place in time for May 18.


Sandra also highlighted the Charity Governance Code that was being discussed in the away day.


Sandra stated that KS offer sessions that can support management.

JS will liaise with Sandra on what can be available.


JSm asked about timetable. It was agreed that an extra audit committee would be required to sign the accounts off. It then will go to the board in March and the AGM in April before being sent to the Charity Commission.


JSm agreed to write the finance review section for the report. JS will send any amendments to the whole board before Xmas.




























































JSm  and JS

5.2 Pension Proposal



JS presented the paper with pension options.


Not everyone agreed with the proposal to move all staff to 8% with no contribution.

Important to communicate any changes early, the vast majority of organisations have matched contributions schemes that we do not follow.


The trustees proposed a 1.5% increase with an additional 1.5% coming from staff.


This will be discussed with staff. JS will discuss with staff and then feed in options into next years budget.


















5.3 Appointment of Student Trustees



PD presented the paper regarding student trustee appointments. The paper was approved by the trustees without any objections.


The board pointed out that it is important to interview and ensure students understand the duties of the role.






5.4 Representation of Student Trustees



PD presented a proposal where 5 student trustee places would be split so 4 are reserved for liberation places and 1 open place.


It was agreed that instead of this proposal, the board would produce an open advert for student trustees but will strongly encourage students from liberation groups to apply.


JS will draw up guidelines for the panel and PD will lead the marketing campaign, particularly within liberation groups.














5.5 Bye-Laws



PD presented the by-laws changes that were required to reflect the new committees.


It was agreed by the board and agreed to have a standing item highlighting any policies that might relate to the board












5.6 Footsqueak



JS presented a paper highlighting the poor performance of Footsqueak.


JS agreed to circulate a copy of our contract for the board to view.


JS would email Footsqueak and agree a resolution with them and update the board.























Strategy Update – KPI Grid


JS presented the KPI Grid. The board expressed they were very happy with the performance against this years’ KPI’s












6.2 Staffing Update



JS commented that all staff were now in post. JS expressed his thanks to Emma Chandler who left post in November.








6.3 Sabbatical Officer Reports



Reports were taken as read. PD asked other officers to make sure they use appropriate formal language in board papers.








6.4 Chief Executive’s Report



Report was taken as read with no questions.



6.5 Management Accounts September 2017



Will be circulated over email






6.6 Minutes from Sub-Committees



No comments.






7. Any Other Business



PD asked for all minutes for the trustee board to be published on our website to improve our transparency.


JS will work on this with AS










8. Date of next meeting



28th March 2018








27 September 2017




DATE: Wednesday 27 September 2017 – 17:00-19:00



1. Tomm Morton (TM)


Sabbatical Trustee/Chair

  6. Zunera Siraj (ZS)


Student Trustee

2. Oliver Williams (OW)


External Trustee/Vice Chair

  7. Cassidy Moses (CM)


Student Trustee

3. Josh Smith (JSm)


External Trustee

  8. Jamie Stratton (JS)


Chief Executive/Clerk

4. Phill Dowler (PD)


Sabbatical Trustee

  9. Sofia Teles Da Silva (SS)


Student Trustee

5. Riley Clowes (RC)


Sabbatical Trustee



1. Welcome from the Chair



TM welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year and introduced everyone as new and returning trustees


2. Apologies



Received from Matthew Went


3. Declarations of Conflict of Interest



No conflicts of interest relating to any item on the agenda
















Minutes of the Previous Meeting held 28 June 2017



The minutes were approved from the meeting held in June


Action List



Any outstanding actions would be carried forward to the next meeting.

The board asked if the officer manifestos can be linked directly into this year’s KPI’s.

The board also asked JS to circulate the Counterculture proposal for this academic year.





OW asked if there was any progress from other unions regarding incorporation. JS said nothing yet but he would keep monitoring other unions for progress.





























Operational Plan


JS presented the operational plan that related to the KPI’s from this year’s strategy.

The board asked whether some of the owners of these aims should be officers as well? The board discussed this and it was felt not to include VP’s and President on this plan but acknowledge that the success of these aims rely on strong officer buy in.


The board welcomed the operational plan and asked for the following to be added in;


–       A percentage against each aim to show how close the target is/was to be achieved

–       Performance update by staff each month

–       % target by campus to ensure not all are based in one place.




















5.2 Student Trustee Proposal



PD presented a proposal that would look at changing how student trustees are appointed and where in the student body they come from.


The board felt that appointing student trustees would be the correct way to go for next academic year (18/19), however they would like further exploration on whether to ring fence roles for certain groups i.e liberation assembly leaders.


JS and PD would bring a paper to look at this in more depth at the next board meeting.


It was also agreed at looking at making the student trustee roles 1 year posts on an interim basis to improve transition.




















5.3 Draft Audit Report



JS presented a draft report for the audit coming up w/c 16th October. JSm went into detail about the purpose of the document he sent round that supports this.


The board commented that there is a need in the report to reduce future strategy information, but increase commentary around successes from 16/17 in strategy, HR and Income.


JSm also commented that it would be needed to add in a paragraph about the reserve release and where it has gone to.


JS will complete audit documentation and report for the audit.

















5.4 Year End Position 16/17



JS commented that he had hoped to be able to have a year end position, but due to SAGE issues he has been unable to.


He would circulate management accounts for July by email.










5.5 Succession Planning



JS introduced and highlighted that there will be some changes over the next couple of years that the board need to make sure they are ready for and preparing the organisation for.


JS noted that this needs to start immediately with the appointment of external trustees. PD also commented that there is a need to look at the diversity of our elections within this.


OW agreed and stated that he will prioritise the external trustee recruitment. JS and OW will work with a group of SU’s on their joint external trustee recruitment.















5.6 Board Effectiveness Review



JS highlighted the need to have a board effectiveness review. He suggested that we contact Aidan Grills from Leeds to facilitate a board away day in the December meeting.

JS will contact and arrange this for the board.
















Confirmation of External Returning Officer



JS asked the board to agree to the appointment of NUS as this year’s returning officer. The board agreed unanimously.


Risk Register


JS presented the risk register that had been amended and edited by AFR committee.

JSm highlighted the reliance on internal knowledge and reliance on staff for Finance and HR. It was agreed that this would be on the agenda for the away day.





















Strategy Update – KPI Grid


JS presented the KPI grid and commented that no data would be on there at present, due to the time of year.

It was noted that we had significant clubs and society interest which was welcomed. A concern was raised regarding the website being ready to receive C&S numbers. JS agreed to look into it.













6.2 Staffing Update



JS presented a short staffing update. The board thanked Katie Badman for her significant contribution to the development of the union. They also welcomed Sophie Jackson into the role and looked forward to working with her.


The board asked whether any additional comms support is required whilst there is a vacancy.

JS stated that the busiest period was over so probably not and would ask Andy Squire about it.










6.3 Sabbatical Officer Reports



Sabbatical reports were received from all officers.


The board asked if any absence days could be removed from papers.

The board also commented that the officers need to remember that they are official board papers and to make sure they focus on some of the language used within it.


Board members also asked officers identify things that did not go well and what they can learn from them.













6.4 Chief Executive’s Report



CEO report was received.


The board were notified of JS’s change of working pattern for childcare reasons.


6.5 Management Accounts June 2017



These were received with no questions.








6.6 Minutes from Sub-Committees



Minutes from the previous week’s sub committees would be circulated.

JS presented a proposal from HR and Remuneration Committee regarding a staff benefits package called Perkbox.


The board agreed in principle but asked JS to look at a short trial if possible.

JSm asked if any board revisions could be kept note of.















7. Any Other Business



It was agreed that TM would write to Lisa Derand and ask her whether she wishes to continue as a board member.


It was agreed for JS to look at ensuring Kent offices are staffed whilst there is staff absences.









8. Date of next meeting



Wednesday 6th December 2017. This would be looked at an off campus venue, possibly London to facilitate an away day.