4. Minutes from the Previous Meeting: 13 May 2016
4.1 Approval of the Minutes
EW presented the minutes.
JSm stated that there was an amendment required from a previous set of minutes from the January meeting regarding the appointment of auditors and the audited accounts. JSm would circulate these changes to JS for him to make.
4.2 Action List
JS ran through the actions from the March and May meetings. All actions were either covered on the agenda or had been completed. The bank mandate update would be done once the new sabbaticals started in July.
5. Items for Discussion
5.1 a) Strategic Plan 2016-2020 – Final Sign Off
JS presented the final 4 year strategic plan with vision, mission, values and Aims and objectives.
JS stated that we need to make one decision regarding either the use of the word of supported or empowered in the vision.
It was agreed that empowered would be used.
EW confirmed that the strategic plan was now signed off. JS stated that there would be production of a full document for the new strategy supported by AS.
EW thanked the board and JS for all of their hard work in production of the new strategy.
b) Strategic Plan 2016/17 1 year KPI’s
JS presented some 1 year KPI targets for the board to go alongside the new strategy.
JD commented that the academic society target may be dropped to 75% rather than 80%.
JSm asked what is based on. JS stated that it was based on past performance but also based upon stretching but achievable targets.
The board agreed that there needs to be some clarification around the word engaged, but apart from that the board were happy with the 1 year aims for the strategy.
5.2 Branding Presentation
AS was invited to this part of the meeting to give a presentation regarding the union’s new brand.
The branding was very well received by the board and they were excited to see our new identity.
The board thanked AS for all his hard work throughout this process.
5.3 People Strategy KPI’s
JS presented some KPI’s for the new people strategy based upon the principles agreed in the March meeting.
JSm asked about the cost implications. JS stated that a large proportion of these are time based and therefore the cost is in staff time such as personal development days.
JS stated that the big cost will be looking at a pay review and developing a framework.
JS stated that the new committee should take ownership of this, which was agreed by the board.
OW raised a concern about how easy it was for staff to gain professional qualifications and whether this was too high.
CL raised that it will be important to include mental health within the section around health and wellbeing within the organisation. EW also raised that the aims around health and wellbeing felt more admin based.
JS agreed that this area needs a bit more development. OW and MW stated that there can be targeted questions through staff surveys that will help measure this.
The board agreed this was the right direction and will be monitored by the new HR sub committee.
5.4 Income Generation KPI’s
JS presented the income generation KPI’s that followed on from the income generation presentation from EW. JS stated that these targets relate to the budget, however some of the ones around grant making are longer term than 1 year.
JSm asked us to clarify if they were budgets or targets. JS stated that there is a mixture.
JD asked whether there was any comparable work around enterprise. JS stated that there is limited work to compare to, but that the university were starting to develop in this area.
OW asked what the current comparison was regarding Freshers income. JS stated that Freshers has been underdeveloped in previous years and that there are opportunities for partnership work with local providers which will help drive up income through events. These include event partnerships with little costs associated.
JS commented that the website has been underutilised and that the website is now used and should be marketed to advertisers. This should be an area that should be targeted through the income generation strategy.
OW asked to clarify that the board is referring to profit and not income. JS stated that there is a GP analysis alongside the budget that matches these figures.
The board agreed that aims 1 and 2 were the first aims and that the rest would take a few years to materialise. It was agreed that this would take some time for these KPI’s to be achieved fully.
5.5 Trustee Board Sub Committees Terms of Reference
JS presented two terms of reference for sub committees. One for appointments committee which is for appointment of new trustees and one for HR and remuneration which looks at our HR as well as pay, particularly sabbatical and chief executive salary. The second committee would look at the aims of the people strategy. JS stated that there is a legal requirement under the new SORP to publish salaries over a certain amount, however we were not there at this moment.
CL asked whether liberation groups should have a member of the appointments committee. EW said that we should probably look at makeup of the board when we review how we appoint student trustees in the future.
OW asked whether there could be less members on the appointment committee.
JS clarified that areas such as sabbatical wages can now be discussed in a committee rather than it just being missed out in future years.
It was agreed that the committees should be created and that the membership will be decided at the next meeting.
5.6 Finance Update
JS highlighted that we are currently using CounterCulture as an interim finance support to help us until any staffing posts are filled. They would be working on items such as ensuring VAT returns are completed and that we can ensure that our audit is completed. JS confirmed that the maximum they would be is 1 day per week and this would be scaled down once the new Head of Business Development is fully inducted into the organisation.
JS confirmed that Simon Evans is the key contact from Counterculture for us.
JSm asked if there had been any burden placed on the existing finance staff in the organisation. JS said that our Finance Assistant has been coping well and has been very supportive so far.
JSm asked whether there had been any consideration given to any potential conflict of interest between Chief Executive/Head of Business Development and the management of finances for the union. JS stated that this would be looked at as part of CounterCulture’s brief and will be constantly monitored by the trustee board.
5.7 Health and Safety Documents
JS presented a 1st draft of H + S Documents for the committee, as it has been a long standing item of the board. JS is still waiting for the university to hire a new Health and Safety Advisor for the university before working on these documents.
The board were happy with these as a first draft, but would like them to be checked in more depth by the university before signing these off as union policy.
JS to talk to university health and safety advisor when appointed
5.8 Block Grant Update
JS stated that the university had met on Thursday 23rd June to discuss the block grant proposal. There had been no feedback as yet, but that the business case drafted by the board had been circulated to them.
JS stated that the paper also discussed the transfer of the reserves from the university to the union.
JS will update the board on any progress asap
5.9 Club and Society Proposal 2016/17
JS updated the board regarding a proposal from the Clubs and Societies Committee. The proposal ensures that the metric for funding is fair and equitable for all clubs and societies. Each sports club will receive £50 and each society will receive £25 and that we would pay clubs and societies 30% of all running costs. JS pointed out that the clubs and societies funding was waited previously towards Farnham and this balances out the budget fairly.
JSm asked how we verified running costs. JS stated that receipts are provided as part of running a club and society and are checked to verify running costs. They are also required to fill out a budget form and three staff members are now monitoring all of these costs.
There were some concerns raised about how much money is in the budget to cope with higher demand. This is something that will be monitored by JS and the board throughout next year.
5.10 No Platform Working Group
JS pointed out that it hasn’t been agreed who is on the group yet. JS pointed out that Marion Wilks has expressed interest from the university perspective and JS would act as Clerk and advisor to the group. The sabbatical representative would be chosen in the summer and OW would represent from the external trustees. It was recommended that Tomm Morton would be the most appropriate student trustee.
JS to form the group once sabbatical trustee has been approved
5.11 HE White Paper
JS stated to the board that since the May meeting, the government have released their proposals for changes to the Higher Education Landscape from the government.
It was agreed that the board would look and monitor this. The officers would work with NUS on this throughout summer training.
6. Standing Items
6.1 Strategy Update – KPI Grid
JS reported that the targets were all met from this year’s strategy bar one which is being carried over into next year.
6.2 Staffing Update
JS informed the board that the Finance Manager has now left the role following the discontinuation of the position. The new Head of Business Development will be appointed over the summer.
JS also informed the board that Emma Wood is leaving the organisation and interviewing for her replacement the following week. JD asked if there was any concerns regarding Freshers. JS informed that himself and Katie (Head of Membership) are picking up Freshers preparation in the interim period.
7. Standing Items
7.1 Sabbatical Officer Reports
EW asked if there were any comments regarding the reports. JS noted that there was no Rochester one due to Scarlett leaving her role 1 month early.
OW asked CL to clarify comment regarding approving budgets. CL stated that it would be helpful for more training for sabbaticals regarding reading budgets. JS asked if JSm would be able to provide the sabbaticals with some training to supplement summer training.
JSm would look to work on this over the summer.
CL stated that the comment in her report was more about training at the beginning of the role and that there was further support available.
7.2 Chief Executive Report
JS stated that he has been appointed as a school governor for Greenway Academy.
7.3 Management Accounts – March 2016
JS presented the most recent set of management accounts to March. JS stated we were slightly behind as a result of the most recent changes, but that this would be worked on with CounterCulture.
7.4 Minutes from Sub Committee
JS circulated the AFR minutes for March but no other committees were held.
8. Any other Business
JSm asked if there had been any comments made regarding Brexit by the university. JS stated that there had been very little at this stage but that the VC had sent an email to say that there would be no immediate changes to staff or student status.
EW passed her thanks onto all of the board members and to JS for all of their hard work throughout this year.
9. Date and Time of next meeting
JS stated that no dates had been agreed, but that September would be the most likely date.