Items for Discussion
Trustee Board Cycle of Business
The board received a proposal for an annual cycle of business. JMS asked the board to note the reduction in meetings from 6 to 4 per academic year.
The board requested that trustee meetings occur either at the beginning or end of the day in order to minimise impact on external trustees. This will be noted and amended when scheduling board meetings.
OW asked for the December meeting to include a review of the draft annual accounts to be added in.
JNG asked whether it was required to meet more given the substantial organisational change that is happening.
The board felt that this can be mitigated by appropriate and timely email communications in between meetings, providing that provision is kept.
JS asked whether there is room for additional agenda items. JMS stated that this proposal includes the minimum for each board and there will be a call for papers issued before each meeting to allow board members to contribute.
The board approved the cycle of business pending suggested amendments.
Formation of an organisational risk register
The board discussed the urgent need for an organisational risk register to be formed before the end of the financial year and in line with the union’s charitable status.
OW stated that it is useful to have two risk registers, one that is corporate level owned by the board and one that is activity level that is owned by the executive.
OW will send a template over to help facilitate this discussion.
JS notified the board of the legal obligations to submit a risk register for the charity commission. This will need to be circulated for discussion prior to the next meeting.
Formation of a reserves policy
The board discussed the need for a policy on reserves. JMS notified the board that historically the university holds our reserves and with UCASU becoming a registered charity, there is a need to discuss with the university who holds the organisations reserves.
The board agreed that they should have oversight and control of the reserves and were particularly concerned around the level of interest that is accruing and who is benefitting from this.
JMS will look into the amount of interest accruing from our reserves.
The formation of the reserves policy will be in line with the formation of the risk register and both will be developed simultaneously.
Staff Terms and Conditions
JMS presented a first draft of a set of staff Ts and Cs. He explained that this had been on the agenda of around 2 years and has never been actioned by the board. They have been worked on by an external HR consultant, and have been brought to the board as a work in progress in order for the board to acknowledge that the process was ongoing.
The board felt that in their current guise there were some major errors and that the document felt quite general and not very UCASU specific.
It was also felt by the whole of the board that sections could be cut out and it felt very long.
JS will send JMS comments for the board and JMS will amend and circulate a final copy for the next board meeting.
Recruitment of Student Trustees
There was a lengthy discussion between members of the board for how we recruit the gaps to our student trustees and whether we should elect or appoint our student trustees.
The board discussed whether there should be a student trustee from each campus. It was pointed out that campus representation is adequate through the sabbatical officer trustees.
JNG felt that there is a need to have BME representation on the board.
There were concerns raised by the board that with a lack of council places being filled during the election that trustee appointments suffer because of lack of engagement.
There was a discussion regarding pros and cons on electing or appointing student trustees
Electing trustees help with a direct line to the membership where appointing will help the diversity mix within the board. The board agreed to a skills and diversity audit to look at the demographic balance.
It was understood that there was a need to look at the constitution in order to clarify how we did it for this year and then look at a preferred method for 2016/17.
JMS will check the constitution for how we need to fill gaps for 2015/16.