News Article

Election and NUS Referendum Results

UCA Students have decided their Students' Union Officer team for 2022/23. Read on to find out the winners and also for the NUS Referendum result.

UCASU Elections - The Results

10 positions

34 candidates

1 Referendum

686 voters

1927 votes cast

Elections 2022... that's a wrap! 

Huge congratulations to all the winners and a big well done to all the candidates who took part, along with the students who ran the successful "Yes" campaign for SU to remain affiliated to the NUS. 

May I present your UCASU Officer team for 2022/23:

President Kent - Sol Gjoines

President Surrey - Foysal Mobarock

Canterbury Part-Time Officers - Amanda Francis & Mitesh Mehta

Epsom Part-Time Officers - Avnika Kuvadiya & Faryal Sohail

Farnham Part-Time Officers - Mihaela Pecaku & Tae-Jean Grierson

Rochester Part-Time Officers - Patricia Reis (there will be a by-election for the second PTO, in October)

NUS Referendum result: UCA students voted "Yes" to the SU remaining affiliated to NUS UK and NUS Charity. 

You can see the results in full, here:

If you are interested in running for the second Rochester PTO position, we will be looking for candidates in September so if you're a Rochester student continuning into 2022/23 and would like to be part of the SU's Officer team in a part-time, volunteer role please email: to register your interest or ask any questions. 



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