Farnham Boxing Club

Looking for a fun and rewarding workout? At the boxing club, everyone is welcome, regardless of experience, gender or goal. Each week a session is taught by a professional coach. Come give us a try!

About Farnham Boxing Club


Welcome to the Boxing Club!

All levels of experience and genders are welcome! Whether your looking to sharpen your boxing skills or simply want a great workout, we have it covered! Each lesson is taught by a professional coach and goes through a combination of fitness, padwork, shadow boxing and boxing drills. Please come in comfy gym appropriate wear, trainers and please bring water! Hydration is key! There is a water fountain in the cafeteria if you need to refill your bottle.

For the best experience, we recommend you bring your own gloves! If you are not sure which to buy, please reach out to us and we are happy to show you some very affordable options. 

Our training sessions are always Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm or 6:30pm-7:30. Room RG21.

For the first session, the commitee will wait outside in the courtyard to greet everyone! Gloves are not mandatory at this point, but please bring them if you have them! Everyone is entitled to a free taster session, so come along and give it a try! You never know, you might really enjoy yourself!


Membership is £60 for the year, or £30 for the term, which covers all your lessons.




Group President – Liliana Butler

Membership President – Elizabeth Ellis

Experience President – Hannah Morton




We are happy to welcome Aaran back to the club this year!


Aaron's statement: 

"My name is Aaran, I'm a freelance Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Boxing coach. I am the founder of my fitness Business FITT_FIXATION. I have been boxing for 11 years, competing 9 times winning 8. I currently fight out of Maximus Gym in Frimley as well as coach and train clients there for the past 2 years. I have several years of experience in fight sports such as Thai boxing, kick boxing, karate, and boxing. Boxing is my passion and I have gained many skills, techniques and knowledge by taking part in my own training and teaching others. I have taught boxing for the past 5 years from novices and children who want to experience boxing for fun exercise, to those that want to learn but not compete, all the way up to competing fighters. Since becoming a Level 3 Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, I have helped many clients transform their fitness through boxing training, and even helped them get ready for competitions."




