President Canterbury

President Farnham

Meet Charlie, Your President Farnham (2024/25)!

"I’m Charlie, the newly elected president for the Farnham campus! I am looking forward to getting to know you all throughout the academic year."

Meet Charlie Skinner, your newly elected Students' Union President representing you at the University for the Creative Arts Farnham! Charlie has recently finished studing Games Development at UCA Farnahm, graduating recently in July 2024!

We asked Charlie a few questions about being elected as our third Students' Union President, their journey to becoming president, their vision for the future, and even a few fun facts you probably didn’t know. So, grab your coffee, settle in, and get ready to get to know the person who’s working hard to make our university experience unforgettable.


What made you want to run for election as a President at UCA Students’ Union?

"Over the last four years at the university I have been a Course Rep, Student Ambassador and a Student Trustee. All of the knowledge I gained over the last four years had the potential to be compiled and used to fully ensure what the students want and why. I am also heavily extroverted so having a great opportunity to socialise and get to know more students was one that I couldn’t say no to! 

All of this heavy involvement with the Students' Union also made me want to stay in Farnham for longer; I just couldn’t leave the Students' Union and the University so soon!"


As you’ve been voted in based on your manifesto – what campaigns will you have this year, and what will you be aiming to achieve during your time as President?

"I would like to start off by improving the affordability and variety of allergen friendly food that is served / available from our canteens. I am a coeliac (gluten intolerant) and currently feel like the variety and pricing offered especially during the ongoing cost of living crisis does lead to there being less potential than what could be featured at the canteen. 

I would also like to introduce social media collaborations between the students and the Students' Union, whether this be on a separate social media page on Instagram for example, helping students have their work showcased, putting their names out there and opening up the potential to future connections. 

Student engagement with the Students Union is crucial; we are run literally for the students, which is why I want to increase student involvement and feedback for events that we will host across all three campuses throughout the academic year. By putting your feedback first, we can really nail down the events to increase the widest range of appeal for all of you!"


How can UCA students get involved witn your campaigns?

"To get involved with my campaigns, the one crucial thing I’m going to need is student feedback! I will be posting about this on my social media pages, such as Instagram, while also having physical flyers located around campus with a QR code attached. 

My campaigns are centric around you, the students, so this is a crucial thing I need over the next year. I will mostly be located inside the Farnham Students' Union Office so if you feel like it, come and pop in for a chat!"


What advice would you give to our new intake of students to ensure they get the best from their university experience?

"My main piece of advice is to get to know other people! I can understand that going to university can be a scary thing, but once you solidify that foundation among a good group of friends then time will breeze by. I’d also say engage with the Students' Union; we run clubs and societies, events, markets and more - all of these have key potential to getting to know one another at this university. The community at this university is extremely welcoming so there’s good potential to meet new people! 

I would also suggest finding the balance between your studies and socialising at the same time - the first year of university is definitely an unmissable experience, but maintaining that balance is crucial to make sure you succeed whilst you’re staying here."


Finally, what are you looking forward to most about the coming academic year?

"Mostly, I’m looking forward to meeting all of you! Everyone comes from different backgrounds, and the range of feedback, opinions, views etc. that I can hear from you all would be a crucial contribution to the success of my campaigns over the next year. I’m also looking forward to seeing the progress of my campaigns, how they integrate, and to see what everyone’s thoughts are during different stages throughout the academic year."


If you haven't had the chance to meet Charlie in person yet, why not head down to our upcoming Meet Your Union event?

Tuesday 26 November, 11.30AM - 2PM
UCA Farnham Reception



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